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Pea soup with gluten-free croutons

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This recipe for pea soup with gluten-free croutons combines the flavour of fresh peas with the nourishing fullness of their dried counterpart. I adapted this recipe from Culinaria France, my favourite cookbook for French food.

The original recipe, called St. Germain’s Pea Soup, uses only dried peas, but I like to add green peas for extra flavour. I usually use fried bacon, but feel free to leave it out if you’re vegan or vegetarian.

I also make my own croutons at home with gluten-free bread.

Recipe for Pea soup with gluten-free croutons.

Serves 2.


250g dried peas (soaked in water for a minimum of 12 hours)

250g fresh peas (frozen will do)

Two sprigs each of thyme and rosemary (or to taste)

1 big bay leaf

2 tablespoons olive oil

4-5 strips of bacon (leave out if vegan) , cut into small pieces

700 ml vegetable stock

Make it:

In a large pot, heat the olive oil and fry the bacon until golden-brown. Leave out the bacon if you’re vegetarian and simply heat the oil for a bit. Add the soaked peas and some water, if needed, and let the mixture simmer.

In the meantime, tie the sprigs of thyme, rosemary, and the bay leaves with a string to make a herb bouquet and add it to the peas. Let the mixture simmer for about 40 minutes. Add the fresh/frozen peas and simmer for another 20 minutes.

You can use this time to make your own gluten-free croutons. I usually cube slices of gluten-free bread and fry them in vegetable or olive oil.

Once the soup is done, remove the herb bouquet and serve in bowls. Top with the croutons.

Your gluten-free pea soup is ready.

Bon Appetit!

Note: I’ve found that traditional foods are usually delicious, easy to cook and easy to adapt for gluten-free dishes. Check out these six tips on simple ways to stay gluten free.

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